Article: What is Anime Devta? What are our Goals?

What is Anime Devta? What are our Goals?
What is Anime Devta & what are our goals?
After two years of dedicated research and surveys on every possible platform we decided to start our own very specific business. It wasn’t exactly easy but we did it. Coming up as a fast-growing start-up is the exact boost that we needed to keep our hopes high and work diligently to grow and grab the title Devta, our namesake.
Anime Devta is a name with a lot of brainstorming and symbolic meaning to us. One could ask, why Anime Devta. it is such a cliché. We want to be the biggest anime merchandise brand in India. The ‘Devta’ in the name is also an amalgam of the name of the Founder- Dev Taneja, so the name is an allegorical hint as well. Being the biggest and the best in this industry is equivalent to the Devta that we aspire to be.
For a growing business having goals divided in achievable landmarks is important and we also have done the same for us. Divided in three phases, our goals will definitely allow us to span our reach and grow beyond the foreseeable prospects.
The first phase, starting from Jan 2022 -July 2022.
Our first aim was to build an audience for ourselves. The fan-following of anime in India has significantly grown in the last two decades, our target audience in the first phase are those who grew up watching anime and those who are currently joining this community of anime lovers. We are India’s most affordable brand with quality delivery of products and as per the google ratings we are also the top-rated company. To boast a little about ourselves, we have achieved more than what our goal was for the first phase which has given us confidence and a new encouragement to thrive for more. In the starting months of our journey, we have become the first one to bring glass painting, anime phone skins and magnetic posters in the competing market of the industry.
& Many more Reviews! Anime Devta has built the community of approx 15000 Devtas in first six months of our launch!
Second phase will begins from August 2022 -March 2023
We are now focusing on moving our merchandise from anime and crossing over to the realm of the vast and glorious culture of our country. To present the old and magnificent past, glory and wisdom of our religious texts and gods. Presenting everything in a new manner and equally respectable stance will be our focus. The new variety of products will be mainly focusing towards bringing the people back to their roots, connecting them with the beauty and the wisdom of our millennia old civilization. The wisdom of shloka and of gods can do wonders for the youth and the society. We believe that the connection between our cultural roots and gods is what defines us and that it is essential for inner peace that everyone craves for in this gradually isolated world.
Targeting young as well as the older generation in the second phase is crucial for our growth as a brand in the industry.
The Third Phase April 2023 - ??
We are working on the plan to launch our application to digitally connect to everyone beyond social media. Through our app we are planning to reach everyone and expand to an international market. We will be expanding our business and will be dividing franchises to online and offline markets and dealers. In this phase we will distribute our products from phase one and phase two to sellers outside. Crossing borders and reaching new heights will prove us to be the Anime Devta that we will be.
Why we started?
One of the primary reasons for starting the business was being anime fans ourselves. Being an anime fan, we knew first-hand what any other otaku feels when we want to purchase a merchandise and seeing it a little out of our reach. So, we decided to start a business of being an anime merchandise producer and seller. In the last two years we have received many sponsorships on our YouTube channel and that motivated us to step into the light and become the sponsor ourselves. We decided to add different merchandise to our product list in order to grab the attention of a larger audience. The love and motivation that we received since we started out has been the icing on the cake for all our hard work and effort.
So….I found you guys through Instagram and I saw that you guys are based in Dehradun, and I’m also from Dehradun and it’s just amazing to know that there’s such a start up in this city, haven’t bought anything yet but I will soon and if the quality is good enough, I really hope you are all able to grow because there’s not a lot of good sites in India for anime merch and if yours can become such a brand, it would be a blessing. Wish the best to you and hope your brand grows rapidly
I believe that this is the affordable merchandise of anime ever in india and I hope that god will bless you by growing your merchandise in india and also out of india. Always support you AnimeDevta 👍👍👍
Atharv Bodhe
This makes me feel proud of being a part of team Anime Devta and an Indian anime fan. Keep growing 💕
Ishan Dubey
As a person who has followed your journey since the start of Phase 1, I can vouch that you have a very genuine goal in your mind and the way the blog has been written in a clear and honest way speaks a lot about your commitment toward your work. Keep working towards your goal with even more energy and nobody can stop you from achieving your goal and making affordable anime a reality in India. Cheers to you and your team. Keep the good work going. All the best AnimeDevta <3
Jugal Shah
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