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Devta : Our history & past

Exploring the Divine: An Introduction to Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Exploring the Divine: An Introduction to Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Exploring the Divine: An Introduction to Hindu Gods and Goddesses

Exploring the Divine: An Introduction to Hindu Gods and Goddesses

  Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions, with a rich tapestry of beliefs, rituals, and practices that have evolved over thousands of years. At the heart of Hinduism are its deities – a di...

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Shiva as Adiyogi: Discovering the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times

Shiva as Adiyogi: Discovering the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times

In the world of ancient Indian spirituality, the figure of Lord Shiva emerges as the Adiyogi – the first yogi, the divine master who transmitted the profound science of yoga to humanity. Beyond his...

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Shiva's Tandava: Exploring the Cosmic Dance of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction

Shiva's Tandava: Exploring the Cosmic Dance of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction

In the heart of Hindu mythology, amidst the cosmic tapestry of gods and goddesses, lies a mesmerizing depiction of Lord Shiva's divine dance – the Tandava. This celestial dance is not merely a rhyt...

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The story of Lord Krishna: Characters and Themes

The story of Lord Krishna: Characters and Themes

The story of Lord Krishna is one of the most celebrated and beloved tales in Indian mythology. Krishna, one of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu, is known for his charm, wisdom, and mischievous n...

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