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Devta : Our history & past

Shiva as Adiyogi: Discovering the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times

Shiva as Adiyogi: Discovering the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times

Shiva as Adiyogi: Discovering the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times

Shiva as Adiyogi: Discovering the Originator of Yoga and His Relevance in Modern Times

In the world of ancient Indian spirituality, the figure of Lord Shiva emerges as the Adiyogi – the first yogi, the divine master who transmitted the profound science of yoga to humanity. Beyond his...

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The story of Goddess Sita: Characters and Themes
goddess sita

The story of Goddess Sita: Characters and Themes

The story of Goddess Sita is a timeless tale of love, devotion, and sacrifice that has been passed down through generations in Indian mythology. It is a story that continues to inspire and resonate...

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